[CSS] 列表清單項目字太長斷行


white-space: normal:讓li不要斷行。
word-wrap: break-word;:讓span斷行。
white-space: normal:span中連續的空白字都縮減為一個空白。


I added white-space: nowrap to the li elements to keep the inline child elements on one line. You then need to add white-space: normal to the .message span to keep the break-word-wrapping the way you need it. Remember that white-space is inherited, so you need to reset it to normal for the inline span.

.messages {
  list-style-type: none;
  width: 100px;
  border: 1px dotted blue;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
.messages li {
  white-space: nowrap;
.messages li .message {
  white-space: normal;
  word-wrap: break-word;
  background-color: tan;

<ul class="messages">
    <span class="name">wILL</span>
    <span class="message">sakdjfhskdjhfksjahflkjhldkjsakljfhalskdfhqweqweqeqeqweqweqweqweqweqwe</span>


span word-wrap in list elements
螞蟻的CSS: white-space 第一頁
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List Shortcodes

